In 2012 I have started development for Android during my Bachelor studies by creating first proof-of-concepts. Some of them evolved into full-fledged projects and one of them is still running more than ten years later.
- Kotlin JVM, Java
- Jetpack Compose, XML
- Android Architecture Components
- Coroutines, Flows
- Gradle, Kotlin DSL, Groovy, Library Development
- Firebase, Parse Server
- Retrofit, OkHttp
- Room, ObjectBox, OrmLite
- Hilt, Koin
- Espresso, mockK
- NFC, Bluetooth
Kotlin Multiplatform
In 2022 I have started development with Kotlin Multiplatform and am currently migrating my largest app from native Android to other platforms.
- Kotlin Native
- Compose Multiplatform
- Material3
- SQLDelight
- Ktor, Coroutines
- Koin
- kotlin.test
In 2014 I have started development for iOS by working as a working student for a company which was developing an iOS client. Since then I have been working on numerous native apps.
- Swift, Objective-C
- SwiftUI, UIKit
- Combine, RxSwift
- Firebase, Parse Server
- Core Data
- NFC, Bluetooth
I have dived into Flutter many times, implemented small projects and helped maintaining legacy projects.
- Dart
- Material Components
- Internationalization
- Firebase
- Hive, jaguar_orm
- Resolver
Quality Assurance
I have experience in maintaining projects until they enter middle school and evolve, while neither rusting undetected nor crumbling to dust.
- Dependency Injection
- Unit-, Instrumentation- and UI Testing
- Continuous Integration, -Deployment and -Delivery
- GitHub Actions, GitLab CI/CD
- Code Reviews on Pull Requests
- Clean Code
Agile Development
I have worked in a wide variety of environments, from stand-alone to fully-fledged SCRUM teams, communicating with customers or other interface providers.
- SCRUM, Kanban and everything in-between
- Requirements engineering
- JIRA, Confluence